Wednesday, September 16, 2009



At the railway station I reached well before time , 3 other guys were sitting n waiting there too.. So we four become frnds :) . And then more boys kept coming and then more and then the Air Force guys came with a truck n 2 buses to "capture" us *for the next se7en days* . Reaching the 2-AFSB (Air Force Selection Board) at some "1900 hrs" we were first required to fill  ** a few ** forms . And after that we were alloted our chest numbers according to our ages . Mine was 24 which meant i was the 24th youngest amongst the 90 who reported. And then we were alloted our dorms, I quickly took a bed near the window :D . And after the dinner in the mess named "तृप्ति " :P , the 27 day of January was over. 

Every1 woke up early the next morning ( early meant 4 am;  not 9 am; mind u Bitsians :P) and dressed . I was ready for breakfast at 6 am even before the sun came out, can u believe it guys.. :D And then the day began. An officer came to escort us everyday , making us walk in a file. We had ** a few ** :P more forms to fill and then some written psychological tests which included some more filling of course :P . After 2 days i.e on 29 they shredded off guys and the rest qualified for next rounds of testing! then i became chest no.19 .  . Examining there mainly consisted of psychological tests, so u can bet i got a +ve attitude :P .. Then there were some group tasks with tested our team spirit n blah blah.. I did fair enough in the physical tests and but ws satisfied coz i cud do the highest scoring (or toughest ;) ) tasks of test. Meanwhile PABT ( Pilot Aptitude Battery Test) was conducted. This is an exam in which u can appear once in a life time n if u fail then ur dream to became an Air Force Pilot is always a dream!! In this we were required to play a C programmed computer game.. I CLEARED IT :D :D .. So my chances were open to became a "Pilot" .. yeyeye :D

The major test ws up to come "THE INTERVIEW" :O . Dressed in formals with a tie on , i ws ready for it . And every1 ws dressed similar. We were kept to wait a lot for our turn and at times it ws too frustrating . So customarily, we were waiting for our interview turn too :P . I entered the rum.. a BIG rum. The officer shook hand with me n allowed me to sit down. Ya right, just 2 of us.. 1-1 encounter :( . He sat some 5m away from me . So I had to be load too.. And it started . He threw a *rapid fire* asking everything I cud kno about myself in categories i.e family, frnds, school etc.. One interesting q i remember "how many girlfrnds do you have? " :O.. i said "none " (sadly :P)  "but i wud definitely like to make one", he said"why?" me "thats the only thing i dont have".. It went well and i gave some answers which i can never imagine i cud say ( as in the perfect language and words used :D ).

The next day when we were done with all the tests for the day at 11am, we a grp of frnds, went for checking out Mysore :D .. we went to a temple,a zoo and a lake and clicked a lot of pics :) Next day it ws a planned trip by the Air Force guys to the city. I took my camera for this trip aswell... but..ummmmm . aaaaiiii .. forgot the batteries :( ( now plz dont laugh) So i ws carrying a camera which cud not take photos :P . That day we visited mysore palace, 1-2 temples , musical garden :D . It ws awesome.

The stay ws now coming to an end .

Long series of tests ws over and now it ws the final day. We all had packed our bags. Now we were sitting, n "waiting" .! We were to meet all the air force officials of the board individually, some 20 ppl. :O . So when my turn came to meet them, the officials asked me some questions n i ws done :) 

Now the results were being announced.. He called chest no.19  , Arpit Aggarwal. :)

P.S. Still no idea about NDA. And yes, after getting shortlisted amongst 11 of 90, we had to fill **a few** more forms :P which took around 4pm to 8pm of 2nd Feb. Hope now u realize what ** a few** everywhere meant :P :D

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